Love is like water, it does not find insurmountable barriers, sooner or later it penetrates and spreads and takes over, this is because water is a polar solvent, which means that it is capable of dissolving many different substances. Furthermore, water is able to seep into the tiny spaces between the molecules of many different materials. Yes! Love is like water. How strange to imagine that love also walks in data, it has already walked on telegraph lines, it has been tattooed on the paper of letters, stained with tears of longing, crimson kisses and perfume, it has walked in long spirals of analogue telephones, but today it uses mainly communications via the internet, which happens through an insane network of interconnected machines that use standardized protocols to transmit this data loaded with healthy doses of love. Digital information is a type of information that is stored in digital format, that is, in the form of bits, which comes from a bit, which is a piece in Shakespeare's language, plus "s" pieces, as the heart is when it does not receive the bits of love from the loved one, coming from the extensive network of machines. Yes, the information, which is transmitted in packets that are routed through the network to the destination, comes through them live love, comes through fiber optic cables or satellites. What sweet madness is cybernetic love. When the loved one sends a file or message, the data is broken into packets and sent to the user's ISP server. The ISP then forwards the packets to the recipient's server, which reassembles them in their original form. Data transmission is done at high speed and can be performed in real time. I open WhatsApp, type with 7 touches, I love you! I press enter and there it goes, “plin” on the other side, the heart rejoices, it reads- I love you! The glands do the rest and flood the body with the love hormone oxytocin. It is released during physical contact, such as hugs and kisses and data, it increases feelings of trust and well-being between people, they also act together, when we receive good news, the body releases hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. How wonderful is the news in the form of data loaded with words of love. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with the feeling of well-being and happiness. The lack of serotonin can cause depression, anxiety and insomnia, the lack of love data too. Don't stop turning your feelings into hugs, kisses and everything else and in the absence of closeness, transmit your love through data, after all, love also travels through them.
Este blog tem como objetivo divulgar o trabalho de Mauricio Ribas como escritor e um pouco da sua história (Bio). Busca também abrir a possibilidade de debater sobre a leitura, a escrita, suas ideias, seus livros e livros de uma maneira geral. Por favor, se possível, deixe seus comentários, serão recebidos com grande alegria.
sábado, 10 de junho de 2023
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